Aviation Sustainable Development Goals

Master Degree in Aviation: Sustainable Development Goals

The 2nd Level Master Degree in Aviation: Sustainable Development Goals - organised, by virtue of a Memorandum, in collaboration with the ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) - is part of that field of research known as Sustainability Science, aimed at assessing the compatibility of policies launched by institutions to reconcile different economic, environmental, social and cultural aspirations, integrating information and knowledge from the social and natural sciences.

The innovative security policies developed at international and European level are of particular interest to the transport market and are already moving in the direction of the integration, from a regulatory point of view, of the different modes of transport, and their infrastructure, subject to a legal framework that pursues the common goal of sustainable development, the new frontier of security, which also includes safety and security.
The well-known shortage of specialised professionals in this sector, which is mainly found in southern European countries, has prompted the Department of Law and CUST Euromed to propose the organisation of this training course, aimed at training specialists in safety and sustainable development of integrated infrastructure and transport systems, with both legal and economic-managerial skills and engineering skills in the field of transport, territory and environment. In fact, it is believed that by integrating legal, technical-economic, ecological and engineering studies, participants will be able to acquire an interdisciplinary preparation, necessary to respond to the demands of the global market.
Particular attention is paid to the international, supranational and national regulatory framework of reference, also studied in the light of policy documents drawn up at European level, as well as to sustainable strategies (corporate sustainability), which make it possible to reduce the costs of operations while maintaining high levels of security and respecting the environment. Corporate policy must observe the specific rules and guidelines for the sector in which the company operates, so that the different departments or branches of the company work towards a single goal. This fundamental supervisory and coordinating function is carried out by managers.
The master course also aims to provide detailed information and ensure continuous updates on current developments in the airline industry, especially after the devastating impact of Covid-19, and - more generally - in the various corporate management contexts existing in the aviation sector. Therefore, the skills acquired during the master course can be well applied in similar contexts, such as that of airport management companies.
The slant of the teaching activities will always be of a practical-operational nature so that the case studies being studied can be applied to real working contexts. The use of English (especially technical-aeronautical English) in the classroom is necessary in consideration of the fact that the sector, globally, has now elected English as its primary language.
The educational objectives of the master course are functional to facilitate one’s entry into management careers within airline companies as well as other companies, corporations or institutions in various capacities involved in air transport. It also facilitates the access to the liberal professions market.

With the organisation of a Level II Master Degree in "Aviation: Sustainable Development Goals", CUST and the Department of Law of the University of Messina set themselves the ambitious objective of training professional figures capable of operating at managerial level in the air transport sector, according to a logic that is not merely entrepreneurial, linked to the pursuit of mere profit and short-term results, but of sustainable development, aimed at reconciling economic profiles with the social profiles of users and the community and environmental protection.
This is a highly professionalised training course, designed to guarantee an advanced university education, enriched by interdisciplinary notions of legal, economic, managerial and technical-engineering areas.

Functionally oriented to the specific objectives thus outlined is the articulation of the teaching plan, aimed at emphasising the specificities of aviation and transport law, transport economics and business economics, applied to the aviation sector.
The educational objectives embodied in the teaching plan are functional to accessing management careers within airlines, airport management companies, handling companies and companies in various capacities involved in air transport, as well as in bodies and institutions operating in the aviation field.
The figure of the air transport manager, an expert in sustainability, must be able to assess transport development plans and projects and make choices that require specific expertise in the issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability in the aviation sector, maintaining contacts and interacting with national and international authorities, bodies and companies in the sector.
The aim is to train highly qualified professionals who can successfully fill positions as transport managers, senior executives, and staff with positions of responsibility in airlines, airport management companies, handling companies and other companies operating in various capacities in the aviation sector, as well as in public and private organisations in the sector.
The Master is also aimed at those who already work in the sector and who wish to develop their career in medium-sized and large companies or who wish to upgrade and be able to create value in the company by implementing sustainable business models.
The training course aims to fill a current gap in the job market, in which managers often operate without specific training in the environmental sector. This need has manifested itself significantly in recent years, in the face of extensive international and European legislation on the sustainable development of transport and related infrastructures and an alarming increase in the pollution levels of the planet, with devastating effects on future generations.

The curriculum is divided into 20 modules with a focus on law (aviation and transport law, company law), economy (transport economics, business economics, business organisation, applied economics, business finance, business organisation, etc.), technical (transport technology, infrastructure, aerodynamics, safety management, security, flight operations, ground operations, maintenance), and history (history of aviation).
There are modules entirely dedicated to the theme of sustainability, declined on the basis of the different areas of reference.
An introductory module, entitled 'sustainable development', allows the principle of sustainable development in its most general meaning to be explored in depth.
A second module, entitled 'sustainable transport development', focuses on the application of sustainability principles to the transport sector.
A third module, 'the sustainable development of air transport', is devoted to aviation sustainability, and to EU and international legislation on the sustainable development of air transport.
Sustainable development is explored with regard to corporate issues, in the module 'Sustainable Corporate Development', where the approaches to sustainability in the corporate sphere is be addressed: the regulatory approach, the ethical approach and the strategic approach.
The module 'the sustainable development of the aviation enterprise', analyses the characteristics of the aviation enterprise and the issues of climate change, green project policy, fuel reduction and flight safety, environmental risk management, post-pandemic aviation sustainability, national Action Plans as a voluntary emission reduction tool, as well as ICAO documents such as Resolution A39-2 'Consolidated statement of continuing ICAO policies and practices related to environmental protection - Climate Change'.
Finally, the module 'Airport System and Sustainability' addresses the issues of oil disposal, aircraft washing, noise and environmental pollution.

The master course lasts one academic year and involves a commitment of 1,500 hours including frontal lectures (276 hours: 46 CFU), internships (224 hours: 10 CFU), writing and discussion of the thesis/project work (150 hours: 4 CFU), as well as individual study (850 hours),. The Master degree is obtained once a student has achieved a total of 60 CFU.
At the end of the master course, those enrolled who have carried out the activities, passed the final exam and fulfilled the obligations provided for, will be awarded by the University of Messina, in accordance with the regulations in force, a Master's Degree of Level I in "Aviation: Sustainable Development Goals". The awarding of the parchment will be subject to the stamped request of the interested party and the payment of the relative fee.

Graduates (and undergraduates) in Law, Economics, Political Science, Social Sciences, Linguistics, Humanities, Engineering or other scientific disciplines related to the topics covered by the Master's course, with a certified knowledge of English at least level B2.

Master's Degree Bodies and Contacts

Director: prof. Francesca Pellegrino
Scientific and Technical Committee: prof. Maria Piera Rizzo, prof. Cinzia Ingratoci, prof. Adele Marino, prof. Federico Franchina, dr. Laura Camastra, dr. Antonio Chialastri.
The teaching venue is at the Department of Law (Piazza Pugliatti 1, Messina).
The organisational seat is at the CUST (Pal. Mariani, piazza Antonello, Messina).
The Administrative Secretary of the Department is Dr. Maurizio Pinizzotto: tel. 090/6766090; email

The administrative contact person for the CUST and person in charge of the procedure is dr. Claudia Pagano: tel. 090/6768170; email