The "Salvatore Pugliatti" Department of Law promotes scientific research and basic and applied research activities in the relevant scientific-disciplinary fields and coordinates and carries out research and consultancy activities, also by means of contracts and agreements with public and private institutions and entities.
It is staffed by professors belonging to Area 12 'Legal Sciences' who share a research and study project oriented towards the in-depth study of issues connected with the evolution of the legal system and society. The contents of the research are varied as they are developed within the various scientific disciplinary areas and also aim to serve the territory through scientific expertise, which is a fundamental resource for local organisations and institutions. The department also promotes interdisciplinary research through collaborations with professors and scholars from other scientific disciplines.

Since its establishment, the Department of Law has been a point of reference in the territory for the promotion, development and dissemination of knowledge in the legal field, guardian of a cultural, scientific and didactic vision that boasts a long and consolidated tradition. In particular, the structure supports and coordinates study and research activities in the legal area, enhancing their products and investing in the dissemination and sharing of scientific results.
Free and independent research is the lifeblood of the Department's cultural project, especially in its international and multidisciplinary dimension. Individual and group research activities involve all the scientific-disciplinary sectors represented in the Department (IUS/01, IUS/03, IUS/04, IUS/06, IUS/07, IUS/08 IUS/10, IUS/11, IUS/12, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/15, IUS/16, IUS/17, IUS/18, IUS/19, IUS/20).
The internationally recognised achievements of excellence are also evidenced by the designation as a University Department of Excellence for the five-year period 2023-2027.
The Department promotes the international outlook of its research and enhances its function as an element of cultural growth and cohesion between teachers and students. The Department boasts a network of relationships with universities, research institutions and national and international organisations, which involve all the various scientific sectors and guarantee high quality productivity. The enhancement of scientific research activity, oriented towards results of originality and excellence, is further supported by the Department doctoral programme in Legal Sciences.
In summary, the Department works to:
a) develop the body of knowledge in the field of legal knowledge with a focus on the international and multi-sectoral aspects of scientific research;
b) foster the comparison of knowledge and exchange of expertise at international level.
With regard to the research objectives, the Department aims to develop a number of lines on crucial topics that transversally involve different areas of law and whose in-depth study is also strategic in the broader programming of the University, requiring not an atomistic but an interdisciplinary approach. To this end, in addition to the more established research strands, revisited however in the light of the needs of a multicultural society, it is intended to strengthen reflection on emerging topics of investigation in each field, from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Periodicamente il Dipartimento predispone, come previsto dall'art. 1 d.m. 989/2019, un Piano triennale nel quale sono individuati e descritti la missione del Dipartimento, e gli obiettivi delle attività istituzionali di Didattica, Ricerca e Terza Missione.