For further information follow this link: Unime TOLC
Students enrolling in a degree course for the first time are required to take an entrance skills test (assessment of the minimum knowledge required for successful studies).
The University of Messina is a member of the CISIA consortium, and the verification for students enrolling in the first year of one of the degree courses of the Department of Law will be carried out by means of the CISIA OnLine Test (TOLC), and in particular by means of TOLC-SU or English TOLC-E.
The verification for students enrolling in the first year of the degree course in Transnational and European Legal Studies, will be carried out by means of the CISIA English TOLC-E.
It should be noted that the TOLC is not an "admission test", and therefore, a "negative" result does not prevent enrolment in the degree course; a negative result only entails the assignment of an educational debt, known as OFA debt, which the student must make up within the first year.
Verification of entry knowledge is compulsory by law. The University of Messina, like many other universities, provides for this test to be carried out by means of the CISIA OnLine Test (TOLC). Taking the TOLC is therefore compulsory. Students who do not take the TOLC are required to re-enrol for the same year.
1) Registration. In order to take the TOLC, students must register in the TOLC reserved area by accessing the TOLC-SU or English TOLC-E section of the CISIA portal.
2) Access to the reserved area. After registering, the student will receive an email at the address indicated during registration, with which he/she will be given the credentials to access the reserved area. At this point, click on the link contained in the email and access the reserved area. After the first login it is possible to enter the reserved area from the TOLC-SU or English TOLC-E page.
3) Finding a date and enrolling. It is possible to register for a TOLC on any of the scheduled dates displayed on the TOLC-SU or English TOLC-E page.
Single-cycle degree course in Law LMG/01
SU-1 - Comprehension of the text and knowledge of the Italian language [30 questions] [time allocated 60 minutes].
SU-2 - Knowledge and skills acquired in studies [10 questions] [time allocated 20 minutes].
SU-3 - Logical Reasoning [10 questions] [time available 20 minutes].
The test is passed by providing at least 16/50 correct answers (without penalty for wrong answers)
Bachelor of Science in Labour Consultants and Legal Services L-14
SU-1 - Comprehension of the text and knowledge of the Italian language [30 questions] [time allocated 60 minutes].
SU-2 - Knowledge and skills acquired in studies [10 questions] [time allocated 20 minutes].
SU-3 - Logical Reasoning [10 questions] [time available 20 minutes].
The test is passed by providing at least 14/50 correct answers (without penalty for wrong answers)
Degree course Transnational and European Legal Studies
LOGIC [13 questions] [time available 30 minutes].
READING COMPREHENSION [10 questions] [time available 30 minutes].
The test is passed by providing at least 6/23 correct answers (without penalty for wrong answers)
Students who did not take or did not pass the entrance skills test via the CISIA Online Test (TOLC) are assigned Additional Educational Obligations (OFA).
Modalities for the Fulfilment of Additional Educational Obligations (OFA)
The university - via CISIA - provides OFA tests, which have the same structure as the TOLC (with the exception of the 'English' section for TOLC-SU). OFA tests are locally valid. For students on degree courses in the Department of Law, the OFA-SU test is available.
Departments and degree courses identify one or more profit examinations, the passing of which is suitable for clearing the OFA debt. Even in the event of failure to pass the exam, the teacher in charge of the course may certify the fulfilment of the OFA debt.
For the degree courses of the Department of Law, the first-year profit examinations, the passing of which is eligible for the settlement of the educational debt, are as follows:
Single-cycle Master's Degree Course in Law:
• Institutions of Roman Law (IUS/18)
• History of Medieval and Modern Law (IUS/19)
Bachelor of Science in Labour Consultants and Legal Services:
• Legal Informatics and Professional Ethics
Degree course Transnational and European Legal Studies
• Comparative Public Law
Students who do not fulfil the Additional Educational Obligations within the first year are required to repeat their enrolment in the first year.
Passing the examination only counts as verification of the fulfilment of OFA for students who have taken the TOLC with a negative result.
The results of TOLCs taken at any location are immediately visible in the reserved area of the CISIA portal, while it takes longer to update the career on the university's ESSE3 portal.
These results will be transmitted by CISIA and automatically registered on the Unime-ESSE3 platform, in the careers of all students. No communication from the student is required.