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Within the framework of the Department of Law Degree Courses, further training activities are promoted, on the basis of specific agreements, that are useful for integration into the job market and are aimed at facilitating professional choices, through direct knowledge of the professional sector to which the degree may give access.
Curricular, or optional, traineeship activities are aimed at bringing students into contact with the work realities most suited to their preparation and professional enrichment, and constitute a first real opportunity to begin accumulating the work experience necessary for subsequently obtaining a stable employment.
These activities may be carried out in public administrations or private Italian and foreign bodies and companies, on the basis of an agreement stipulated with the University. They must be authorised in advance and on an individual basis by the Degree Course Coordinator or his/her delegate, who will also seek the favourable opinion of the Department's Internship Commission. The traineeship activities are carried out under the supervision of a Course lecturer in charge with the traineeship.
Optional traineeship activities constitute one of the criteria for determining the degree grade laid down in the Course Regulations.
The Director's Delegate for Traineeships is Prof. Grazia Vitale

The Department establishes the procedures for requesting, approving and recognising traineeships and/or internships, subject to the conclusion of agreements between the University of Messina and the companies and/or organisations where the activities are to be carried out.
Interested students must fill in the application form for an internship at one of the affiliated organisations and send it by e-mail to the Teaching Office, which will contact the chosen organisation.
Once the Host Institution's availability has been verified, the Training Project must be completed and signed by the student and the Host Institution, before being sent by e-mail to the Didactics Office for its signature by the Degree Course Coordinator.
Once the Training Project has been completed, the Teaching Office will send it to the student and the Host Organisation.
During the course of the placement, the student must record the dates, times and activities carried out on a daily basis in an attendance register.
At the end of the placement, the student must email the logbook of activities carried out and an End-of-Training Certificate completed by the tutor and endorsed by the Course Coordinator to the Education Office.

E-mail address:
All useful documentation (internship application form, training project, attendance register) is available on the page Student forms.

General information on internships and agreements stipulated by the University is available on the Unime page dedicated to Work Orientation and Placement, and on the page dedicated to Orientation and Training Internships.