Consumatore, media digitali e tutele

Master Degree in Consumers, Digital Media and Protection

Learning objectives

The master course was designed to analyse all the issues concerning the relationship between consumers and the market, both from a subjective point of view and with regard to the interests protected, (and in particular the figures of the consumer, the professional, the trade associations), as well as to examine the role of the independent Authorities in the protection of consumer interests.
Furthermore, they will have to ensure basic tools concerning media strategy and the dynamics related to the world of information in the digital age.
In order to achieve this, lectures, tutorials, seminars and practical tests will be provided alongside the lessons, and the participants will be assisted individually by tutors who will accompany them along the way both in the classroom and via computer links.
Coordination between the theoretical and practical dimensions will be aimed at providing, in a broad and in-depth manner, the skills needed to operate in a variety of contexts.

a) Graduates oriented towards emerging professions related to the use of digital media;
b) Employees/collaborators of public administrations operating in the field of information, communication and consumer and user protection;
c) Workers in the information and communication sectors who want to deepen their knowledge and skills in the expanding areas of digital media;
d) Trainee lawyers and lawyers intending to specialise in the field of consumer law;
e) Officials and employees of consumer associations.
Applications for admission to the Master degree programme may be submitted by those who, on the date of publication of this notice, are in possession of the following eligibility requirements Master degree in any class of degree.
Those who are candidates for the degree required for admission may also take part in the selection process and be admitted to the Master's course subject to conditions. In the event of a positive outcome of the selection process, these candidates may complete their enrollment in the Master's course, provided that they obtain the required degree in the 2022/2023 academic year.

The master course provides specific training for those who intend to deepen their knowledge of consumer and user law, with particular reference to the digital economy, and its regulation through the study and acquisition of the reference regulatory framework and the rules concerning the Independent Authorities and the Communications Authority; as well as the modalities, including practical ones, for defending consumer rights before the same Authorities. Moreover, some modules will be devoted both to the general discipline of out-of-court settlement of disputes (mediation, conciliation, assisted negotiation) as well as to judicial settlement in the banking, financial and insurance fields (ABF, ACF, AAS). The participants' training, considering that the master's course is also addressed to P.A. employees, will be completed with a guided study on the principles and rules of the organisation and administrative action of the Public Administrations in charge of governing electronic communication and of the regulatory Authorities involved (Communications Authority, Antitrust Authority, Privacy Authority). Particular attention will also be paid to the discipline of public evidence procedures, where an in-depth study of the Anac Guidelines will be proposed, and to the main legal issues concerning consumer protection, with regard to public profiles.
The aim of the course is to train experts in the communication sector, able to be competitive within a job market that is characterised by the pervasive spread of digital media, as well as to offer a skills update to those already professionally active within this sector.
The training course, in fact, will also offer functional tools for those activities related, in particular, to the strategic management of digital media and this can represent an innovative opportunity for professional growth for people and, at the same time, be an opportunity for the development of the territory, increasing the dimension of 'Human Capital' (which includes, among other things, basic and advanced digital skills). Digital communication skills, in fact, find application in many sectors: from public administration to tourism promotion, from political communication to business communication, from activities related to journalism and information to those related to legal protection.

The master course aims to train personnel specialised in defending the collective and individual interests of consumers, through the study and knowledge of the legislative framework concerning consumer rights, traditional media and digital media (online platforms, social).
The aim is to foster knowledge of all the fundamental institutes of consumer law in the Italian and supranational legal system, providing the necessary skills to operate and advise on the most relevant consumer issues.
The study of consumer rights and their protection will be a tool for examining the rules of the market and analysing the peculiarities of the regulation of contracts, advertising, liability and protections. The course will take place within the framework of the most recent regulations on the subject and the current domestic and European case law guidelines.
Moreover, considering the exponential development of the telematic network and the ever-increasing use of the Internet, the master course also aims at promoting the knowledge of the issues related to information and Internet rights. In this context, it appears necessary to identify the protection tools that the legal system offers for the protection of the fundamental rights of Internet users, with particular reference to minors, and to guarantee an adequate professional update to all those who, in various capacities, are called upon to guarantee the enjoyment of the fundamental rights and interests of human beings and weak subjects. In this sense, Directive 2018/1808/EU on audiovisual media services, which is currently being implemented in the Italian legal system, will be the subject of a specific in-depth study.
