In order to comply with current regulations regarding mandatory training (pursuant to Articles 36 and 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08 and subsequent amendments), all students, PhD candidates, residents, interns, research fellows, scholarship holders, and equivalent subjects (pursuant to Ministerial Decree No. 363 of 05/08/1998, Article 2, paragraph 4), including those who possess other safety certifications not issued by the University of Messina, are invited to participate in the training initiative titled "2025 - Training Module for Students on Workplace Safety." The mandatory training activity, now available in English as well, "lasting 4 hours and delivered online, is accessible at the following address: https://moodle2.unime.it/course/index.php?categoryid=26888 using institutional credentials (codicefiscale@studenti.unime.it) on the Moodle platform. To activate and view subtitles within videos, a guide is available at the following address: https://sway.cloud.microsoft/56eVOUvxefVMSSRE?ref=Link"
Upon completion of the training and passing the final learning assessment, it will be possible to download the attendance certificate directly from the platform. This certificate is valid pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008 and lasts for 5 years, being a prerequisite and necessary for participation in internships and attendance in educational laboratories.
Students who have not previously completed the course by December 31, 2024, must independently enroll in the new 2025 training course, starting from the first module. Therefore, previously used resources will not be saved. However, it is always possible to download the 2024 certificate if all the training activities provided by the program have been completed.
PhD candidates can recover their student credentials by accessing the Esse3 web page, where they can enter codicefiscale@studenti.unime.it and proceed to reset the password if they do not remember it.
Scholars and research fellows, who do not possess a studenti@unime.it email address, must report their name and their respective email address nome.cognome@unime.it to the Research Unit of their Department in order to be authorized to access the platform and take part in the mandatory training activities."