cortile università

Teaching and research facilities

The 'Salvatore Pugliatti' Department of Law is located in the University's central campus [see map]. All teaching, research and administrative activities take place in premises located in various buildings of the University's central campus (Building A, Building B, Building C, Building G, Former Library Building).
Administrative Offices of the Department of Law [Building Bentrance from Piazza Pugliatti and from the courtyard of the University's Central Complex].
T. Martines' Section of Public Law [Building C of the University's Central Complex].
O. Buccisano' Section of Private Law [Former Library Building of the University Central Complex].
Library [Building A of the University's Central Complex].
Aulario [Via Pietro Castelli 40].

Frontal teaching and seminar activities, advanced teaching activities, scientific conferences, and all events organised by the Department of Law take place in the Department's available classrooms, located in Building B and Building G of the University's Central Complex, and in the Aulario at Via Pietro Castelli 40.
The following lecture rooms are located in Building B: Lecture Room 1, Lecture Room 2, Lecture Room 3 'Vincenzo Scalisi', Lecture Room 4, Lecture Room 5 'Salvatore Pugliatti', and Lecture Room 'Enzo Silvestri' (with entrance from the courtyard of the University's Central Complex).
In Building G (with entrance from the courtyard of the University's Central Complex), the former Chemistry Classroom is available to the department.
At the Aulario (Via Pietro Castelli 40, second floor), Lecture Rooms 202, 203, 204 are used by the Department.

The lecturers' offices are located in the 'T. Martines' Section of Law (Building C of the University's Central Complex), and in the 'O. Buccisano' Section of Private Law (former Library Building of the University's Central Complex).

Administrative Activities
Administrative and student service activities are carried out at the Department's Head Office, Building B of the University's Central Complex, where they are located:
Department Management
Administrative secretariat
Law Secretariat Staff Unit
Teaching Staff Unit Jurisprudence
General Services Business Unit Jurisprudence

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