
Law Department of Excellence 2023/2027
The 'Salvatore Pugliatti' Department of Law has been awarded the title of Department of Excellence 2023-2027 by the Ministry of Universities and Research.
Law 232/2016 established a fund to reward the Departments of State Universities that excel in in the quality of their research output, teaching strategy and vision for the future.
In addition to teaching and research activities, which are always conducted at a high level by lecturers, researchers, and young scholars, the Department promotes Third Mission activities, aimed at valorising, transferring and disseminating knowledge, increasing the interaction with civil society at large, and fostering the social, cultural and economic development of the territory.

Department Headquarters: Piazza Pugliatti 1, 98122 Messina
Management, e-mail dipartimento.giurisprudenza@unime.it
Administration, e-mail amministrazione.giurisprudenza@unime.it
Staff Unit Management Secretariat: tel. + 39 090 676 8401
Teaching Staff Unit: tel. + 39 090 676 8309; e-mail didattica.giurisprudenza@unime.it
General Services Business Unit: tel. + 39 090 676 8402
Certified e-mail Department: dipartimento.giurisprudenza@pec.unime.it
Web Site: giurisprudenzaweb@unime.it