Students enrolled in the degree courses of the 'Salvatore Pugliatti' Department of Law can use the services of the University Library System (SBA), which are offered not only through the SBA's web page, but also from the offices of the Central Pole Library, Legal Sciences Area, located in the building adjacent to the Department's Head Office, in the University's Central Complex.
Here, students can contact the administrative offices of the library, which provide orientation and bibliographic consultancy services (assistance with bibliographic searches, the use of the University Catalogue and the resources of the Digital Library), as well as consultation, local lending and interlibrary loan services.
A computer room is available for students to consult the University Catalogue, electronic periodicals and databases, as well as the historic Reading Room of the Law Library, open daily from 8.30 a.m. to midnight, with access from the Rector's Atrium.
The Director's Delegate for the Library is prof. Giuseppina Panebianco