Joint Commission

A Joint Committee is set up within the Department, consisting of student representatives at the Department Council and an equal number of lecturers belonging to the Department itself and elected by the Department Council to ensure, where possible, the presence of lecturers belonging to all the courses of study incardinated in the Department.
The Joint Committee, which has a two-year term of office and is chaired by the longest tenured professor, formulates opinions on the activation and discontinuation of courses of study, monitors the range of courses on offer, the quality of teaching and the service provided to students by professors and researchers, and identifies indicators for assessing their results.

Maria Annunziata Astone
Antonio Cappuccio
Alessandro Cusmà Piccione
Loredana Ferluga
Giuseppe Foti
Dario Latella
Concetta Parrinello
Stefano Ruggeri
Giuseppa Sorrenti
Tiziana Vitarelli
Grazia Vitale

Alfarone Giulia
Bungay John Federick
Cianci Linda
De Filippo Giulia
Ferraro Martina
Manzella Roberto
Mezzatesta Domenico
Motta Monica
Mule’ Manuel
Mustica Dario
Scuderi Anna Sofia