Departmental Board

The Department Board assists the Director in carrying out his duties and exercises the functions delegated to it by the Department Council.
The Board is composed of the Director, who presides over it, the Deputy Director, who has an advisory vote in the presence of the Director, two full professors, two associate professors and two researchers, elected from each category and who hold office for three years. Renewal is simultaneous for all components. The administrative secretary is part of the Board, with an advisory vote and the function of recording secretary.

Persons who are not members of the Board itself, the Director of the School of Specialisation for the Legal Professions, the Coordinators of the PhD programmes and the Coordinators of the Course Councils may attend the meetings of the Board, with an advisory vote and only for the discussion of specific topics.

prof. Alessio Lo Giudice (Direttore del Dipartimento)
prof.ssa Cinzia Ingratoci Scorciapino (Vicedirettore)
prof. Giovanna Coppola (rappresentante dei Professori ordinari)
prof.ssa Maria Annunziata Astone (rappresentante dei Professori ordinari)
prof.ssa Marcella Distefano (rappresentante dei Professori associati)
prof. Andrea Buccisano (rappresentante dei Professori associati)
prof.ssa Maria Letteria Quattrocchi (rappresentante dei Ricercatori)
prof. Corrado Rizzo (rappresentante dei Ricercatori)
Segretario amministrativo
dott. Maurizio Pinizzotto