QA Group Degree Course in Innovation and Sustainability Law

The Quality Assurance Group for the Master's Degree Course in Innovation and Sustainability Law (Quality Assurance Group) defines the quality improvement objectives of the course in terms of adequacy, effectiveness and transparency, identifies the resources needed to implement them, implements the processes to monitor their achievement and plans the actions necessary for their improvement. It also deals with the annual review, the purpose of which is to monitor the performance achieved by the course for each year, and the definition of improvement actions that can be implemented in the short term.
A cyclical review is carried out at larger intervals with the aim of verifying the validity of the training project in its entirety. The review is carried out on the basis of the data and information made available by the University Quality Presidium, and the annual report of the Joint Committee of teachers/students.

The QA Group carries out its activities in full synergy with the University Quality Presidium, and with the other bodies involved in the Department's QA system, i.e.: the Degree Course Coordinator, the QA Contact Person delegated by the Department Director, the Joint Commission, the Departmental Research and Third Mission Commission (QA-RDTM Commission).

In particular, the QA Group assists the bodies in charge of compiling the Single Annual course Form (SUA-CdS), the Annual course Monitoring Form (SMA), the Cyclic Review Report (RRC), and verifies that the indicated improvement actions are implemented.

Degree Course Coordinator
prof.ssa Alessandra Tommasini
prof. Stefano Agosta (docente del Corso di laurea)
prof. Federico Franchina (docente del Corso di laurea)
prof. Ludovico Nicotina (docente del Corso di laurea)
Technical Administrative Staff Representative
dott.ssa Maria Scalia
Student representative
Stefania Cicero