Palazzo Madama

Visit to the Constitutional Court 2023

As part of the activities of the chair of Constitutional Law (Prof. Antonio Saitta), a group of students from the Department of Law visited the Constitutional Court and the Senate of the Republic on 17 and 18 April.
In particular, on Monday 17 April, the students visited Palazzo Giustiniani (where the Italian Constitution was signed on 27 December 1947) and Palazzo Madama, seat of the Senate, guided by parliamentary officials.
On the morning of Tuesday, 18 April, the students went to the Palazzo della Consulta where they attended a public hearing of the Constitutional Court. During the hearing, a number of issues were discussed, among others, on the subject of legislative automatism in criminal matters and the division of legislative competences between State and Regions.
The students were guided by Professors Antonio Saitta and Giacomo D'Amico, who works as a study assistant at the Constitutional Court. Professors Saitta and D’Amico explained the research work carried out by the study assistants and how the decisions of the Constitutional Court are made.
At the end of the hearing, the students met with the Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Daria de Pretis, with whom they discussed the main issues in the constitutional debate.
The students were accompanied by Professor Antonio Saitta and doctors Antonino Amato, Giuseppe Donato, Erika La Fauci, Cosimo Lotta, Giancarlo Orlando and Demetrio Scopelliti.

Photo Gallery Visit to the Constitutional Court 2023