Constitutional trial simulation 2023

Public hearing on 27 March 2023
On Monday 27 March 2023, the public hearing of the mock constitutional trial was held in the Courtroom of the Appelate Court of Messina.
The hearing constituted the central moment of the 'mock' trial. After the intervention of the Judge-Rapporteur, the constituted parties - represented by the State and Free Bar - presented the arguments in support of their arguments and replied to those of the opposing defences. Some of the constitutional judges also put questions to the defendants to clarify specific issues.
The next stage consisted of a further public hearing, which was held on 12 April in the Courtroom of the Court of Assizes in Messina at 3pm.
The second public hearing is not foreseen in the 'real' constitutional process: the Court read out the reasons for the decision taken and its motivation. It was then followed by a plenary debate among all the participants in this activity.